
De gids voor de geestelijke gezondheidszorg

Literatuur bijwerkingen antipsychotica

  1. Hoegee-Visser HG
    Galactorroe door antipsychotica
    Psyfar (2008) 2, 30-33
  2. APA Guidelines (2004)
    Treatment of Patients With Schizophrenia, Second Edition
  3. Knegtering H, Bruggeman R, Castelein S, Wiersma D
    Antipsychotica en seksueel functioneren bij mensen met psychosen
    Tijdschr Psychiatr. 49 (2007) 10, 733-742
  4. Smith SM, O'Keane V, Murray R
    Sexual dysfunction in patients taking conventional antipsychotic medication
    Br J Psychiatry. (2002) 181: 49-55
  5. Wirshing DA, Pierre JM, Marder SR, Saunders CS, Wirshing WC
    Sexual side effects of novel antipsychotic medications
    Schizophr Res. (2002) 56: 25-30.
  6. Byerly MJ, Nakonezny PA, Bettcher BM, Carmody T, Fisher R, Rush AJ
    Sexual dysfunction associated with second-generation antipsychotics in outpatients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder: An empirical evaluation of olanzapine, risperidone, and quetiapine
    Schizophr Res. (2006) 86: 244-50
  7. Simons M en Risselada AJ
    Medicamenteuze interventies bij gewichtstoename door antipsychoticagebruik
    Psyfar (2015) 1, 42-51
  8. Oven JW van
    Monitoring metabole parameters bij gebruik van atypische antipsychotica
    Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychiatrie & Gedragsneurologie (2008) 7: 100-107
  9. The Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III) of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP)
    Thornton AE, Van Snellenberg JX, Sepehry AA, Honer WG
    The impact of atypical antipsychotic medications on long-term memory dysfunction in schizophrenia spectrum disorder: a quantitative review
    J Psychopharmacol. (2006) 20:335-346
  10. Hugenholtz GWK en Heerdink ER
    Antipsychotica en botbreuken
    Psyfar (2007) 2, 35-37
  11. Kapur S, Seeman P.
    Antipsychotic agents differ in how fast they come off the dopamine D2 receptors
    Implications for atypical antipsychotic action
    J Psychiatry Neurosci 2000;25:161-6.
  12.  Kapur S, Seeman P.
    Does fast dissociation from the dopamine d(2) receptor explain the actionof atypical antipsychotics?: A new hypothesis
    Am J Psychiatry 2001;158:360-9.
  13. Silvestri S, Seeman MV, Negrete JC, et al.
    Increased dopamine D2 receptor binding after long-term treatment with antipsychotics in humans: a clinical PET study.
    Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2000;152:174-80.
  14. Grunder G, Carlsson A. Wong DF
    Mechanism of new antipsychotic medications: occupancyis not just antagonism
    Arch Gen Psychiatry 2003;60:974-7
  15. Moleman, P. (2009)
    Praktische psychofarmacologie, 202-205
    Houten: Prelum Uitgevers
  16. van Harten PN, Tenback DE

    Movement disorders should be a criterion for schizophrenia in DSM-V.

    Psychol Med. 2009 Oct;39(10):1754-5
  17. Jonsson AK, Schill J, Olsson H et al. 
  18. Venous tromboembolism during treatment with antipsychotics: a review of current evidence. 
    CNS Drugs 2018;32:47-64 

  19. Szota AM, Araszkiewicz AS. 

    The risk factors, frequency and diagnosis of atypical antipsychotic drug-induced hypothermia: practical advice for doctors.
    Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2019;34:1-8


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