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Trichotillomanie -literatuur

1. Hallopeau M
Alopecie par grattage (trichomanie ou trichotillomanie)
Annales de Dermatologie et de Venereogie 1889 (10): 440-441
2. University of Iowa
3. Cohen LJ, Stein DJ, Simeon D, et al. 
Clinical profile, comorbidity, and treatment history in 123 hair pullers: a survey study. 
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (1995) 56: 319-326
4. Altman K, Grahs C, Friman P 
Treatment of unobserved trichotillomania by attention-reflection and punishment of an apparent covariant. 
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry (1982) 13: 337-340
5. Christenson GA, Crow SJ 
The characterization and treatment of trichotillomania. 
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (1996); 57(supplement 8): 42-49
6. O'Sullivan R, Keuthen NJ, Christenson GA, et al 
Trichotillomania: behavioral symptom or clinical syndrome? 
American Journal of Psychiatry (1997) 154: 1442-1449
7. Swedo SE, Leonard HL 
Trichotillomania: an obsessive compulsive spectrum disorder? 
Psychiatric Clinics of North America (1992) 15: 777-790
8. Boersma IH, Oranje AP
Trichotillomanie bij kinderen: vaak over het hoofd gezien
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 1992 (136): 355-358
9. Christenson G
American Journal of Psychiatry 1991 148 (3)
10. Christenson GA, Mackenzie TB, Mitchell JE 
Characteristics of 60 adult chronic hair pullers 
American Journal of Psychiatry (1991) 148: 365-370
11. Christenson GA, Ristvedt SL, Mackenzie TB 
Identification of trichotillomania cue profiles. 
Behaviour Research and Therapy (1993) 31: 315-320
12. American Psychiatric Association 
Diagnostische Criteria van de DSM-5
Uitgeverij Boom (2014)
13. Keuthen N, O'Sullivan R, Goodchild P, et al 
Behavior therapy and pharmacology for trichotillomainia: choice of treatment, patient acceptance, and long-term outcomes. 
CNS Spectrum (1998) 3: 72-78
14. Slagle DA, Martin TA III 
American Family Physician (1991) 43: 2019-2024
15. Ger P.J. Keijsersa, Agnes van Minnena, Cees A.L. Hoogduina, Bram N.W. Klaassenb, Mathieu J. Hendriksa and Jorg Tanis-Jacobsa 
Behavioural treatment of trichotillomania: Two-year follow-up results 
Behaviour Research and Therapy (2006) 44: 359-370

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